Muslim Parent Support Network
In current times of Fitna our children are exposed to exponentially changing culture. At MAS, we aim and strive to provide parents with necessary education to raise confident Muslim children. Books that will help you equip with…
Recommended Books for Parents
Raising a Muslim Child: Owning a sacred responsibility
Parenting For Jannah: Mommy's Dua Book
Positive Parenting in the Muslim Home
Save Your Kids' Faith: A Practical Guide for Raising Muslim Children in the West
Raising a Muslim Child : Owning a sacred responsibility
Children Around the Prophet: How Muhammad SAW raised the Young Companions by Dr Hesham Al Wadi
The Productive Muslim: Where faith meets productivity By Mohammed Faris (Nonfiction, Self Help, Health)
Hold On to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers By Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Maté MD (Parenting, Nonfiction, Psychology, Education, Childrens)
The Collapse of Parenting: How We Hurt Our Kids When We Treat Them Like Grown-Ups By Leonard Sax (Parenting, Psychology, Education)
Why Gender Matters: Second Edition: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know About the Emerging Science of Sex Differences By Leonard Sax (Parenting, Education, Psychology, Science, Gender)
How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk By Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish (Parenting, Psychology, Education)
How to Raise a Gentleman By Kay West (Manners, Parenting, Reference)
Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself By Nedra Glover Tawwab (Self Help Parenting, Psychology, Mental Health, Personal Development, Relationships)
The Whole Brain Child By Daniel J Siegel, Tina Payne (Parenting, Psychology, Education)
Voice Lessons for Parents: What to say, How to say it, and When to listen By Wendy Mogel PhD (Parenting, Psychology)
Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too By Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish (Parenting, Psychology)
The 5 Love Languages of Children: The Secret to Loving Children Effectively By Gary Chapman, Ross Campbell (Parenting, Psychology, Relationships)
Raising Critical Thinkers: A Parent's Guide to Growing Wise Kids in the Digital Age By Julie Bogart (Child Behavior, Parenting, Education, Personal Development)
How to Talk So Kids Can Learn At Home and In School By Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish, Lisa Nyberg, Rosalyn Anstine Templeton (Parenting, Education, Nonfiction, Teaching, Psychology)
Your Child’s Strengths: Discover Them, Develop Them, Use Them By Jenifer Fox (Parenting, Education, Adhd, Teaching, Psychology)
Discipline Without Disrespecting By Grandma Jeddah (Parenting)
Learning Disabilities: What Are They? By Robert Evert Cimera (Education, Parenting, Teaching)
Screamfree Parenting: The Revolutionary Approach to Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool By Hal Edward Runkel (Parenting, Psychology, Reference)
All Books for ages 0 to 4 are highly recommended for ages 4-8 plus the following:
The Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and Life By Julie Bogart (Homeschooling, Parenting, Education)
The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home By Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise (Education, Parenting, Reference, Teaching, Homeschool)
All Books for ages 0 to 8 are highly recommended for ages 9-12 plus the following:
Islamic Health: Book 1 By Amber Khan (Health & Wellbeing, Education, Psychology, Science, Gender)
The Care and Keeping of You: The body book for girls By American Girl (Tween Self Care, Parenting, Health, Middle Grade, Science)
All books for ages 0 to 12 are highly recommended for ages 13 to 18 and the following:
Self Driven Child By William Stixrud, Ned Johnson (Parenting, Education, Psychology, Childrens)
What High Schools Don't Tell You (And Other Parents Don't Want You toKnow) Create a Long-Term Plan for Your 7th to 10th Grader for Getting into the Top Colleges By Elizabeth Wissner-Gross (Education, Reference, Self Help)
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country’s Foremost Relationship Expert, Revised and Updated By John M. Gottman PhD, Nan Silver (Relationships, Marriage, Psychology, Personal Development)
“Do not force your children to behave like you for they are in other times than yours.”
Discipline Without Disrespecting
Learn over 2 dozen amazing discipline techniques that avoid hitting, scolding and shaming.
Find out the 4 powerful mistakes parents make which can encourage misbehavior.
Discover simple ways to make your home a more loving environment for your children, resulting in a happier home for both parent and child.
Find out several effective methods to help your children feel more confident about themselves, leading to more security in their religion.
Where faith meets productivity
By Mohammed Faris
In "The ProductiveMuslim" Mohammed Faris, the founder of, provides this practical framework that helps urban global Muslims lead a productive lifestyle Spiritually, Physically, and Socially.
Children Around the Prophet
Raising a Muslim Child
Mommy’s Dua Book
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Positive Parenting in the Muslim Home
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Parenting Books
Hold On to Your Kids
An urgently needed guide to understanding the outsized risks of peer pressure and helping your child navigate this tricky social obstacle, from clinical psychologist Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Maté, M.D., the New York Times bestselling co-author of The Myth of Normal—now updated with chapters on raising children in a digital world
Why Gender Matters
Dr. Sax argued that in failing to recognise the hardwired differences between boys and girls, we ended up reinforcing damaging stereotypes, medicalizing normal behaviour (see: the rising rates of ADHD diagnosis), and failing to support kids to reach their full potential. a completely new discussion of research on gender non-conforming, LGB, and transgender kids, new findings about how girls and boys see, hear, and smell differently; and new material about the medicalization of bad behaviour.
The Whole-Brain Child
In this pioneering, practical book, Daniel J. Siegel, neuropsychiatrist and author of the bestselling Mindsight, and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson offer a revolutionary approach to child rearing with twelve key strategies that foster healthy brain development, leading to calmer, happier children. The authors explain—and make accessible—the new science of how a child’s brain is wired and how it matures.
SIblings Without Rivalry
Best-selling authors, Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, turned their minds to the battle of the siblings. Parents themselves, they were determined to figure out how to help their children get along. The result was Siblings Without Rivalry. This wise, groundbreaking book gives parents the practical tools they need to cope with conflict, encourage cooperation, reduce competition, and make it possible for children to experience the joys of their special relationship.
How to Talk So Kids Can Learn
At Home and in School
The leading experts on parent-child communication show parents and teachers how to motivate kids to learn and succeed in school.
The Self-Driven Child
The Self-Driven Child offers a combination of cutting-edge brain science, the latest discoveries in behavioral therapy, and case studies drawn from the thousands of kids and teens Bill and Ned have helped over the years to teach you how to set your child on the real road to success. As parents, we can only drive our kids so far. At some point, they will have to take the wheel and map out their own path.
The Five Love Languages of Children
Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell help you discover your child’s love language, assist your child in successful learning, use the love languages to correct and discipline more effectively, and build a foundation of unconditional love for your child.
Plus: Find dozens of tips for practical ways to speak your child’s love language.
Scream Free Parenting
ScreamFree Parenting is about taming your reactive responses to your deep anxiety. Rather than learning new techniques, you’ll discover the liberating principles, based on scriptural truths, that are inspiring parents just like you to revolutionize their family life. Principles that will enable you to remain cool, calm, and connected with your children, no matter what.
Your Child’s Strengths
With this groundbreaking work, renowned educator Jenifer Fox argues against the flawed and maddening paradigm that "fixing"kids' weaknesses is the way to achieve success. Rather, Fox promotes focusing on kids' natural inclinations in three interdependent areas: Activity Strengths, Relationship Strengths, and Learning Strengths. Pairing inspiring firsthand accounts of success with practical workbook tools, alongside an outline of the award-winning strengths-based Affinities curriculum.
Voice Lessons for Parents
Renowned speaker, parenting expert, and New York Times best-selling author of The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, Dr. Wendy Mogel offers an essential guide to the new art of talking to children and shows how a change in voice can transform conversations and ease the relationship between parents and children.
Raising Critical Thinkers
Drawing on more than twenty years’ experience homeschooling and developing curricula, Julie Bogart offers practical tools to help children at every stage of development to grow in their ability to explore the world around them, examine how their loyalties and biases affect their beliefs, and generate fresh insight rather than simply recycling what they’ve been taught.
The Collapse of Parenting
In The Collapse of Parenting, internationally acclaimed author Leonard Sax argues that rising levels of obesity, depression, and anxiety among young people can be traced to parents abdicating their authority. The result is children who have no standard of right and wrong, who lack discipline, and who look to their peers and the Internet for direction. Sax shows how parents must reassert their authority.
How to Raise a Gentleman Revised and Expanded
A Civilized Guide to Helping Your Son Through His Uncivilized Childhood
An invaluable resource for parents who hope their little boys will grow up to be the kind of men who know which fork to use, how to treat others, and generally make their parents proud.
Set Boundaries, Find Peace
Healthy boundaries. We all know we should have them--in order to achieve work/life balance, cope with toxic people, and enjoy rewarding relationships with partners, friends, and family. But what do "healthy boundaries" really mean--and how can we successfully express our needs, say "no," and be assertive without offending others?
How to Talk so Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Wil Talk
Includes the author’s time-tested methods to solve common problems and build foundations for lasting relationships, including innovative ways to cope with your child’s negative feelings, express your strong feelings without being hurtful, engage your child’s willing cooperation. Set firm limits. Use alternatives to punishment that promote self-discipline, Understand praise, and resolve family conflicts peacefully.
Learning Disabilities
What Are They
In addition to explaining what learning disabilities are and how they should be diagnosed, Learning Disabilities: What Are They? also explores the many different types of learning disabilities that affect children and adults today. Moreover, it presents a host of strategies and resources that can show parents and teachers how to help children succeed. Easy to read and informative, this book is essential for any parent or teacher who has a child with a learning disability.
Screen-Time Books
Girls on the Edge
In Girls on the Edge, psychologist and physician Leonard Sax argues that many girls today have a brittle sense of self-they may look confident and strong on the outside, but they're fragile within. Sax offers the tools we need to help them become independent and confident women, and provides parents with practical tips on everything from helping their daughter limit her time on social media, to choosing a sport, to nurturing her spirit through female-centered activities.
Boys Adrift
In Boys Adrift, Dr. Leonard Sax delves into the scientific literature and draws on more than 20 years of clinical experience to explain why boys and young men are failing in school and disengaged at home. He shows how social, cultural, and biological factors have created an environment that is literally toxic to boys. He also presents practical solutions, sharing strategies which educators have found effective in re-engaging these boys at school, as well as handy tips for parents about everything from homework, to videogames, to medication.
Schooling Books
What High Schools Don’t Tell You
In order to succeed in the fiercely competitive college admissions game, you need a game plan—and you have to start young. In this empowering guide, Elizabeth Wissner- Gross, a nationally sought-after college “packager,” helps parents of seventh to tenth graders create a long-term plan that, come senior year, will allow their kids to virtually write their own ticket into their choice of schools.
The Brave Learner
In this book, Julie Bogart distills decades of experience--homeschooling her five now grown children, developing curricula, and training homeschooling families around the world--to show parents how to make education an exciting, even enchanting, experience for their kids, whether they're in elementary or high school.
The Well-Trained Mind
The Well-Trained Mind will instruct you, step by step, on how to give your child an academically rigorous, comprehensive education from preschool through high school―one that will train him or her to read, to think, to understand, to be well-rounded and curious about learning.
Health Books
Islamic Health Book I
Muslim youth today have many questions that would be unrelatable in a conventional health class and often overlooked by their parents. The Islamic Health series is the first health curriculum created specifically for Muslim youth ages nine and up. It is the first of its kind to tackle the most common health concerns by putting the Islamic way of life at the forefront of its answers and centering the Muslim narrative.
The Care & Keeping of You 1
(Medical consultant: Cara Natterson, MD.) You'll find answers to questions about your changing body, from hair care to healthy eating, bad breath to bras, periods to pimples, and everything in between. Once you feel comfortable with what's happening, you'll be ready to move on to the The Care & Keeping of You 2!
Adult Books
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work has revolutionized the way we understand, repair, and strengthen marriages. John Gottman’s unprecedented study of couples over a period of years has allowed him to observe the habits that can make—and break—a marriage. Here is the culmination of that work: the seven principles that guide couples on a path toward a harmonious and long-lasting relationship.