inspiring the torchbearers of islam
Tarbiya in MAS
MAS Tarbiya Department is responsible for developing MAS members, giving them the tools and knowledge to develop and help others around them grow, and empowering them with the necessary skills to fulfull the MAS vision and vision.
The Word “Tarbiya”
Tarbiya is an Arabic word that linguistically means “increase, growth, and refinement.” Tarbiya means the development and the training of people in various aspects. The word is commonly used to describe the upbringing of children as their parents provide them with physical, educational, moral and spiritual needs to help them grow and become useful members of society.
MAS Core Values and Principles
Our values are deeply rooted in our Islamic identity. Our Mission, Vision, Values, and Beliefs help define the character of our organization. Our values expand on our Mission and help us define our priorities-people.
Godliness (Rabbaniyah)
Ours is a purely Islamic movement, in every sense of the word. We strive to understand Islam according to the Qur’an and the teachings of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). We endeavor to practice the teachings of Islam with integrity and sincerity in our private lives and in our collective work. We advocate the values and principles of Islam for the benefit of all.
Just Balance (Wasatiyah)
Islam is rightly balanced as revealed by Allah and as practiced by the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). We adhere to the balanced understanding and application of Islam as practiced by the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and as revived in the understanding and the methodology of Imam Hassan Al Banna.
Tarbiyah is the cornerstone of a comprehensive reform methodology practiced by MAS which traces its origin to the Qur’an and to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as he invested a great deal of effort in Tarbiya for his companions. As a result of his efforts, he left not only a great message in the form of Islam, but he also left a generation that carried the message and moved humanity from darkness to light.
The Tarbiya Qualities We Strive For
Individuals who understand the goal of their existence, aim to please Allah, seek His guidance, live the comprehensive meaning of worship, and embody the qualities of sincere, dedicated Muslims.
agent of positive change (action-orientation)
Self-motivated individuals who put their beliefs and thoughts into actions, proactively seek ways to improve themselves, and impact others around them.
bearers of the message
Individuals devoted to Islam’s mission through deep understanding of its highest ideals, objectives, and intents, (Arabic: Al-Maqaasid), and committed to be part of an organized and disciplined grassroots movement.
Individuals who love this country, strive to uphold its best ideals, values and principles (freedom, justice, equality, rule of law, and individual rights as enshrined in the constitution), and are dedicated to serve fellow citizens and seek the country’s betterment.
lifelong learner
Individuals who have strong passion for knowledge and learning; their thoughts, beliefs, behavior, and actions are based on continuous pursuit of knowledge. In particular, individuals who who have strong literacy in core Islamic sciences and pursue knowledge in all aspects of life (self-development, raising a family, civic engagement, non-profit management, individual profession, etc.)
Our Services
Click on each image below for program details.