


“To move people and nurture lifelong, God-centered agents of change.”

Homeschooling for Muslim Kids


A Growing Trend in Education Worth Considering

As a Muslim, it is essential to ensure that our children receive a proper Islamic education, which includes teaching them about Allah, the Quran, and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Homeschooling allows parents to have greater control over their child's education, ensuring that Islamic values are instilled from a young age. By homeschooling, parents can also provide a more personalised learning experience that caters to their child's strengths and weaknesses, which can lead to better academic results and a stronger foundation for future learning. Moreover, homeschooling can also provide a safe and comfortable environment for children to learn without the distractions and negative influences that may be present in a public school. Contrary to popular belief, homeschooling can be an effective and manageable option, especially with the abundance of online resources and support available today.


Sample Grade Plans:


Homeschool Resources

●     Leaders Amongst Mothers: https://www.leadersamongstmothers.com/

●     Muslim Matters - Homeschooling: https://muslimmatters.org/category/life/homeschooling/

●     New York State Rules & Regulations for Homeschooling: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/enrollment/enrollment-help/home-schooling

●     New York Homeschooling Co-ops and Academic Enrichment Classes: https://www.thehomeschoolmom.com/homeschooling-in-new-york/homeschool-co-ops-academic-enrichment-classes/

●     Muslim Homeschoolers Unite: https://muslimhomeschoolersunite.com/

●     Books & Curriculum Seller: https://www.rainbowresource.com/