Muslim Parent Support Network

Islamic books are an excellent source for Muslim children to learn about their faith and develop a deeper understanding of Islamic teachings. They provide guidance on how to lead a righteous life according to Islamic principles and values. Through reading Islamic books, children can gain a greater appreciation and love for Islam, which can lead to a stronger connection with their faith.

Books for children

Recommended links for children's books that have been tried and tested.

Approved Book Websites for Muslim Children

Blogs by Muslims for children’s books:

Emotional Intelligence Books for Kids


In my Heart: A Book of Feelings, The Rabbit Listened, The Rhino Suit,

Bismillah Chef

Bismillah Chef is a cookbook designed to inspire and teach kids the superpower of cooking and God-consciousness. Each recipe has a unique story that ties back to the recipe, making it a memorable and enjoyable experience for kids! With every recipe, there is a unique story that teaches kids how to think of different ways to please Allah SWT and reach our ultimate goal—Jannah inshallah.

Our Muslim children deserve to see themselves represented authentically in the books they read. This is especially important because relatable stories can help shape their confidence in their Muslim identity.


Character building book bundles available for purchase.

My Baby’s First Islamic Words

By : author

Allah Made you a Boy, Alhumdulilah

By Rafia Syed

Islam shares stories and details to empower our young boys and girls.

The Proudest Blue


The Kindest Red


Screen-Time Books

Schooling Books

Health Books

Islamic Health Book I

Muslim youth today have many questions that would be unrelatable in a conventional health class and often overlooked by their parents. The Islamic Health series is the first health curriculum created specifically for Muslim youth ages nine and up. It is the first of its kind to tackle the most common health concerns by putting the Islamic way of life at the forefront of its answers and centering the Muslim narrative.

Muslim Girl, Growing Up: A Guide to Puberty

Includes: What is puberty and its stages. Hygiene tips. Religious duties to perform. And ones to stay away from. And much more

The Care & Keeping of You 1

(Medical consultant: Cara Natterson, MD.) You'll find answers to questions about your changing body, from hair care to healthy eating, bad breath to bras, periods to pimples, and everything in between. Once you feel comfortable with what's happening, you'll be ready to move on to the The Care & Keeping of You 2!

A Muslim Girl’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes

Written from a 'big Sister' perspective, this book explains all, from choosing the right friendship group, advice about school life and social life, to the physical changes a girl will experience as she grows up.


A Muslim Boy’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes

This book gives brotherly advice on life in general from Islam and friends, school and home life through to the physical changes a boy will experience from the age of 11 onwards.

Muslim Parent Support Network: Where parents can connect, grow, & thrive!