Trips & Picnics
MAS NY Reverts Reconnect Department’s main goal is to give reverts exactly what they feel they need. We survey our community to ensure that any events we choose are of high interest and cater to their specific areas of growth. More recently, many of our members have expressed the need to have more educational events such as: how to deal with non-Muslim families, how to give dawah, dealing with spirituality, the need for emotional support, rules and regulations of marriage, death, and burial in Islam, and much more. For that reason, their input is directly reflected in the events that we put forth. We will continually include their input in all areas of our programming.
The following image was taken during our last event: Pre Ramadan Conference.
MAS NY Reverts Reconnect Department hosts monthly meetups & seasonal get-togethers for the revert community. We share food, give emotional support, and talk about the monthly meetup topic chosen by attendees. We also plan seasonal get-togethers outside of our centers, such as picnics and fishing tirps, where we engage in activities, food, and fun that will give opportunities for our community to relax and connect with other Muslims in various settings.